Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Gary Donald Kersten

From: Pearland, TX


Added: 06/12/2011


I served with 62 from 1970 till 1974. CE School in Davisville, R.I., then Camp Bundy Puerto Rico. Went to Diego Garcia for 9nine months and fourteen days, Bravo Co. I was crew leader on antenna sites at Diego. Later served in the 20th Naval Construction Regiment in Gulport, MS, in the CTR until discharged.

Looking for Homer Ray Clark, Mike Anderson, and Hugh Albritton, and any other Bravo Co. electricians.

Submitted by: patrick lyons

From: grand island ,fla.


Added: 06/08/2011


i was verry pleased and proud to be in the parade with my new found friend and brother seabee norm dupies.,o by the way norm nmcb 14,puts on a great seabee ball it was areal good time for me and my wife.hop to see you at our next s.v.a. meating at the casselbery ,vets 18 june 0900 for breakfast and met.1000,hop to see you thier

Submitted by: Dan Hinchliffe

From: Washingto D.C.


Added: 06/06/2011


NMCB 62,Alpha Co.80 to 82, Looking for J.D.Nolan,Jim Stump,and John Zelenski,Gitmo Public works before 62.

Submitted by: roy graves

From: colton new york


Added: 06/04/2011


just a big het yi=ou to all the haeds of 62

Submitted by: Hal Haller

From: Wichita, Kansas


Added: 06/03/2011


NMCB 62 / Rota (74-75) and Okinawa(76) deployments. A shout out to Mike Roberts. Just read your post about Wolfman from above mentioned deployments, and some of our old Alpha company guys. I remember a couple of other CM's; Steve Maday and Mark Rundgren from Minnesota, along with those mentioned. Good to hear you're working in AZ., all we read about is the housing crisis & illegal immigration woes there. All the best to you.

Submitted by: Paul F Evans

From: Silverdale , WA


Added: 05/30/2011


No Comments, YET.

Submitted by: Roman Hnatowski

From: New Jersey


Added: 05/30/2011


Looking for Engineering Aides who served in NMCB 62 during 66-67 Phu Bai and 68 Danang tours. Richard "Dick" Weber Ohio, W.T. (Bill) Kinney - Oxnard, CA, Bobby E. Jones - FL, Willard Howe, E.D. Taylor, David L. Stelly locations unknown. For an "EA" Reunion.
Hope you are all well, your brothers miss you!

Submitted by: Michael Roberts

From: New York


Added: 05/18/2011


Greetings to all

I'm on a jobsite in St Johns AZ building absorbers (wet scrubbers) for an existing power plant. I met a guy in the field who inquired whether it was my truck that (proudly) displays the Seabee logo. To make a long story short, it was Wolfman from the Rota (74-75) and Okinawa
(76) deployments. It took us both a few days to conjure up the images of what we used to look like, but we did remember a lot of the old Alpha Co. guys - Sam DeMao Peaches, Rags, Killer, Hootchie, Jim Orosco, et al. Goes to show you that it is indeed a small world, and you never know when you might meet a brother. My very best to all of you out there.

CM3 Michael Roberts

Submitted by: Jeff Shaffer

From: Greensburg PA


Added: 05/13/2011


Hey Guys, 80-83 PR, Diego, Guam and of course Gulfport. Had some great times. Met some excellent people. Had some very, very good times. Proud to be associated with every one of you guys.

Submitted by: EA1 Steven H. Walker USNret

From: Vincennes, Indiana


Added: 05/08/2011


I noticed that NMCB 62 cruise books from 1983 - 1986 were missing from the cruise book page. I have these in my possession. I was with NMCB 62 from July 1982 - July 1986. Would the NMCB 62 Alumni Association accept the donation of these cruisebooks?
Contact me at the above e-mail. EA1 Walker