Photos ordered newest to oldest.
Deployments of NMCB 62, 1966-89
May 2024 Gulfport, Mississippi MS Seabee Reunion
NMCB62 Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 2, 2024
April 2023 Gulfport, Mississippi MS Seabee Reunion
Photos taken by Jerry Hilbert, John Smith, and Nancy Staples
Reunion Schedule and Events
WWII Museum
Ocean Adventures
NMCB62 Annual Meeting, Sunday April 30, 2023
- NMCB62 Annual Meeting Roster
- NMCB62 Annual Meeting Photos - Slideshow
- NMCB62 Annual Meeting Group - Slideshow
April 2022 Gulfport, Mississippi NMCB 62 Seabee Reunion Photos
2022 Reunion Forms - Slideshow
Pat Lyons, Reunion Meeting Master-of-Ceremonies Member Meeting - Slideshow
Kraig "Cotton" Wells Reunion Photos - Slideshow
Dan Colton Photos - Slideshow
Life and Times of Captain Ole Olsen, CEC, USN, Retired
Captain Ole Olsen Life & Times
Captain Ole Olsen Facebook Post.
Captain Ole Olsen - Funeral at Arlington Cemetery - Slideshow
Article "Facts and Rumors about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Sentinels"
Click to Read Facts and Rumors about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Sentinels
Navy SVAA Convention Meeting Minutes - Friday August 20th, 2021
Nancy Thompson Staples
Vice-President of the National NSVAA
April 2019 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Photos
Photos taken by Jerry Hilbert
26 April 2019
- Pictures 1 - 85: Base Tour
- Pictures 86 - 155: BBQ
27 April 2019
- Pictures 160 - 178: Lazy Magnolia Brewery
- Pictures 179 - 192: Banquet
28 April 2019
- Pictures 193 - 293: NCB 62 Meeting @ 9:30am in tent
MS Seabee Reunion April 2019 - Hilbert - Slideshow
April 2019 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Photos
Photos taken by John Smith and Norm Hahn
Thu, 25 April 2019 & Fri, 26 April 2019
- Pictures 1 - 7: Reunion forms and around the hotel
Fri, 26 April 2019
- Picture 8 - 46: Seabee Base tour
Sat 27 April 2019
- Pictures 47 - 50: In the tent behind the hotel
- Pictures 51 - 69: At the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art, Biloxi
- Pictures 70 - 74: Pre-banquet & Banquet at the hotel
Sun, 28 April 2019
- Pictures 75 - 135: The NMCB 62 Annual Meeting
MS Seabee Reunion April 2019 - Smith - Hahn - Slideshow
May 28, 2018 - "A Remembrance" Article
Index-Journal Newspaper. Vol 100, No. 1, Monday, May 28, 2018 - Greenwood, S.C.
Front page article titled "A Remembrance".
Chief Fred Malone is a retired CMC and was a member of NMCB 62 from 7-1972 thru 9-1973. He retired in March 1975.
April 2018 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Photos
Photos taken by Bob Sauser, John Smith and Norm Hahn.
MS Seabee Reunion April 2018 - Slideshow
August 6, 2017 - Fred Malone Newspaper Article
Index-Journal Newspaper. Vol 99, No. 141, Sunday, August 6, 2017 - Greenwood, S.C.
Front page article about Fred Malone.
Chief Fred Malone is a retired CMC and was a member of NMCB 62 from 7-1972 thru 9-1973. He retired in March 1975.
April 2017 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Photos
Photos taken by Norm Hahn.
- Photos 3 - 47: taken at the Bollinger Mill Historic Site near Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
- Photos 48 - 71: taken on the Seabee Base Tour.
- Photos 72 - 81: are John Smith, Chuck Harmon and Norm Hahn visiting the USS Alabama at Memorial Park, Mobile, Alabama.
- Photos 84 - 93: are preparing for the Banquet.
- Photos 94 - 205: are of the NMCB 62 Annual Meeting, Sunday, 30 April 2017 in the Ramada Inns Mississippi Room. Photos taken by Chuck Harmon.
- Photos 206 - 223: Chuck Harmon & Norm Hahn are invited by Jim Thomas to visit his incredible home, north of Gulfport. It is fantastic.
MS Seabee Reunion April 2017 - Hahn - Slideshow
April 2017 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Photos
Photos taken by Jerry Hilbert.
- Photo 1 - 15: MCB 62 EAs (Engineering Aid) eating lunch @ The Shrimp Basket.
- Photo 16 - 23: 75th Seabee Reunion Get together open house, Gulfport, Ms.
- Photo 24: Donato Desantis, MCB 62 EA
- Photo 25 - 35: Seabee Base, Gulfport, Ms., Heritage Center and gift store
- Photo 36 - 52: All the Seabee's and spouses who went on the base tour and had lunch in the galley
- Photo 53 - 67: Seabees of MCB 62 in front of the BEE
- Photo 68: Bryant our bus driver around the base
- Photo 69: Equipment outside of the warehouse
- Photo 70 - 84: MCB 62 EA's sitting outside by the hotel swimming pool
- Photo 85: Ladies selling raffle tickets at the Banquet
- Photo 86 - 101: Donated gifts for the raffle
- Photo 102 - 126: 75th Seabee Reunion Banquet in Gulfport
- Photo 127 - 151: U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion #62 Business Meeting Sunday 30th, April 2017 Gulfport, Ms.
MS Seabee Reunion April 2017 - Hilbert - Slideshow
April 2017 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion, Area Map
April 2017 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Sign In Sheet
MS Seabee Reunion April 2017 - Sign In Sheet - Slideshow
April 2017 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion Sign In Sheet
(with contact information)
MS Seabee Reunion April 2017 - Sign In Sheet w. Contact - Slideshow
Hope this finds everyone Happy and Healthy. The enclosed picture was taken at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi on April 30, 2017 by Pete Scolaro. The Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport was previously called the Soldiers and Sailors Home and under the auspices of the Navy and Marine Corps. Though the Army and Air Force no longer display the Bible, apparently the Navy and Marine Corps still do. God Bless the men and women of the Navy and Marine Corps and long live their traditions! Please note the Bible. V/r, Roman Hnatowski
April/May 2016 Gulfport, MS Seabee Reunion
- 1-3: Reunion schedule and events.
- 10-40: Biloxi Schooner Sailboat Trip.
- 41-75: Honey Island Louisiana Swamp Tour.
- 76-83: Island X-1 Gulfport Reunion Staff.
- 84-103: Saturday Night Banquet.
- 104-214: NMCB 62 and friends Sunday morning get together.
- 215: Friends together after the Sunday afternoon picnic.
MS Seabee Reunion 2016 - Slideshow
May 2015 Gulfport Mississippi Reunion
MS Seabee Reunion 2015 - Slideshow
NMCB 62 Deployment By Number
NMCB 62 Deployment by Number - Slideshow
February 2015 Hampton Virginia Reunion
February 2015 Hampton Virginia Reunion - Slideshow
Jonathan Grohs & The Bulldozer
Jonathan Grohs & The Bulldozer - Slideshow
April 2014 Gulfport Mississippi Reunion
Bill & Lorraine Crawford's Photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
Ken Weston's Photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
Ken Penick & Randy Troxell's Photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
Monte and Cherie Williams's Photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
Malcolm Smith's photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
Norm Hahn's Photos 2014 Reunion - Slideshow
February 2014 Hampton, Virginia Reunion
Feb 2014 Norm's Hampton, VA reunion photos - Slideshow
2014 Hampton Reunion VNES Official Photographer Darren Fulton - Slideshow
Pictures were taken by Mr. Darren Fulton from Gloucester, Virginia. He has provided us with the following information: I am a semi pro photographer, with my main love of aviation and anything military; homecomings, reunions, Wreaths Across America, etc. My father was US Army for 38 years with one tour in Vietnam. My bread and butter job is with Huntington Ingalls Newport News Shipbuilding as a structural welder...just started actually...will be assigned to the soon to be CVN 79, the Kennedy. I have been studying the Pacific theater of World War Two for around 4 years. Married with two cats, three snakes and a mother in law...:) Absolutely, my pleasure! Sincerely, Darren.
August 2013, Warwick, Rhode Island Reunion.
Warwick Reunion August 2013 - Slideshow
May 2013, Gulfport, Mississippi Reunion
Gulfport Reunion May 2013 - Slideshow
Gulfport Reunion May 2013 USS Alabama - Slideshow
February 2013, Hampton, VA Reunion
VA Reunion Hampton, VA. Feb 2013 - Slideshow
VA Reunion Hampton, VA. Feb 2013 - Hahn and Penick - Slideshow
October 2012 Gulfport, MS Reunion
October 2012 Reunion Gulfport, MS - Hahn - Slideshow
October 2012 Reunion Gulfport, MS - Hahn - captioned - Slideshow
August 2012 RAF Edzell, Scotland.
Photos taken by Brad Smith, LCDR, CEC, USN, Retired
While on vacation in Scotland with his family
RAF August 2012 Edzell, Scotland - Slideshow
Brad Smith's Letter about these Photos
Summer 2012
Jon W. Karstens, E03, NMCB 62 from 6-86 to 6-89
JP Groh's, NMCB 62 Alumni is 2012 Veterans Day Parade Grand Marshall
Through JP's hard work and lobbying efforts he was able to secure free state park passes for all Connecticut disabled Veterans.
2012 Veterans Day Parade Grand Marshall - Slideshow
March 2012 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
NMCB 62 Alumni Member Tom Meyer
Master of Ceremonies at 70th Seabee Anniversary Celebration
There were two proclamations presented at our dedication, one from the Missouri Senate, and one from the Missouri House of Representatives . The copy you have came from the Missouri Senate, from Senator Jason Crowell, in recognition of the 70th. Anniversary of the area SEABEES. Both were read from them, which made it very special. They will hang in the hallway entry at the local American Legion Hall, where we have our Seabee meetings. We had Two Missouri Representatives, one Missouri Senator, one Cape Girardeau County Presiding Commissioner and District 1 County Commissioner on hand, as well as a number of SEABEE Veterans from WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Iraq. Thank you for allowing us to display our Battalion Flag NMCB-62. Many remarked they wish they had their own Battalion Flag on hand. Again, Thank you, TMMeyer
Thomas M. Meyer, Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents member Past MAR State President,Past National Regional Vice President Thomas Meyer COMMERCIAL Real Estate Co. & Exit Realty-Thomas Meyer Associates, Residential Real Estate Division Cape Girardeau, Mo. " Real Estate Progress since 1946 "
March 2012 Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Slideshow
Seabees plaque unveiled at Cape County Park Veteran's Memorial
February 2012 Hampton, Virginia Reunion
February 2012 Hampton, VA Reunion - Slideshow
February 2012 Hampton, VA Reunion - Captioned - Slideshow
October 2011 Gulfport Reunion
October 2011 Gulfport Reunion - Slideshow
October 2011 Gulfport Reunion - Captioned - Slideshow
Summer 2011 Jonathan Grohs at home in Connecticut
August 2011 65th Annual Navy Seabee Veterans of America reunion in Fayetteville, NC
Generously provided by Jack R. Honeycutt, MCB40, Vice Commander of Island X-1, Selma, North Carolina
August 2011 65th Annual Navy Seabee Veterans of America Reunion - Captioned - Slideshow
August 2011 65th Annual Navy Seabee Veterans of America Reunion - Uncaptioned - Slideshow
February 2011 4th Annual East Coast All Seabee Reunion at the Crowne Plaza Hampton Marina Hotel in Hampton, Virginia
4th Annual East Coast All Seabee Reunion - Mike Goode - Slideshow
These photos graciously provided by Vietnam-era-Seabee official photographer Mike Goode, USN, Retired, from Carleton, Michigan. Additional photos provided by Glenn "Willie" Williams from Philadelphia, PA.
4th Annual East Coast All Seabee Reunion - Norm Hahn - Slideshow
October 2010 Gulfport, MS Reunion
October 2010 Gulfport, MS Reunion - Slideshow
August 2010 Moline, IL Reunion
August 2010 Moline, IL Reunion - Slideshow
Febuary 2010 Seabee Reunion in Hampton, VA.
NMCB 62 Seabee Reunion Feb 2010 Hampton - Slideshow
NMCB 62 Reunion at Gulfport, MS October 2009
NMCB 62 Reunion at Gulfport, MS October 2009 - Slideshow
Reunion Hampton, VA February 2009 Photos
Reunion Hampton, VA February 2009 Photos - Captioned - Slideshow
Mike Bongiorno
My new license plate on my 2008 Dodge Ram pick-up
CTRCM Doug Stenzel, Edzell Scotland, 2008
CTRCM Doug Stenzel, Edzell Scotland, 2008 - Slideshow
Hurricane Katrina; Gulfport Biloxi Photos Taken in 2006
Hurricane Katrina; Gulfport Biloxi 2006 - Slideshow
NCBC Gulfport, MS - 1996 Base Map
Jarvis O. Wood
Web Master Emeritus
Billy Millican
Remember this one?
July 79-March 80
Winters Training 1978
Winter Training 1978 - Slideshow
Captain Fegley Artifacts - August 1978
Photos of items presented to Captain Fegley through the years.
Captain Fegley Artifacts - Slideshow
Guam Deployment, 8-73 to 5-74
Bob Hope and Red Fox at the U.S.O. show on Diego Garcia.
Above picture is Mike Geno operating dozer, not sure who he ran over.
This one is Chad Turner on right helping to pull shipmate from underneath the dozer's track. Note: I directed this fake accident - pretty good eh? I'm not sure who the other guys are in this picture.
I can't believe I walked out on these tubes and took this picture!
I was on this detail to hook up the cement syphoning tubes.
Diego Garcia, 1st Deployment 7-72 to 3-73
Diego Garcia 72 - 73 - Slideshow
John William Smith, CE2 photos from Vietnam (1966-1968), Saudi Arabia, Thailand, World Champion Martial Arts Awards and Certificates.
Captain Fegley & The PM-3A Nuclear Reactor in the Antarctic
PM-3A Nuclear Reactor in the Antarctic - Slideshow
This is the actual monument to the PM-3A, at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. I don’t know who the USARP is in the photo. Between him and the plaque is Hut Point and the original hut of Sir Robert Falcon Scott, second at the Pole after Amundsen. - Chuck Fegley
Hurricane Camille, August 17th 1969
Hurricane Camille 1969 - Slideshow
Seabee Beacon 1969 Sugar Bowl
Norman E. Hahn
Photos of Edzell, Scotland October 1967 to August 1972
Edzell, Scotland 1967-1972 - Slideshow
"Scotland....The Life and Times of the Yanks at RAF Edzell"
Scotland... The Life and Times of the Yanks at RAF Edzell
LT Bruce Geibel at Edzell Scotland 1969
LT Bruce Geibel at Edzell Scotland 1969 - Slideshow
1942-1967, 25th Anniversary "CAN DO!" Booklet
Provided by Steve Morse, UT3, NMCB 52
from 10-1968 thru 1-1972
1st Deployment, 1967 Phu Bai and 2nd Deployment, 1968 Red Beach, DaNang.
Photos of Bruce Clay, deceased, and Hugh McIlroy. Words by Hugh McIlroy
Bruce Clay & Hugh McIlroy Story
NMCB 62 Commissioning Ceremony, 2 July 1966
Commissioning Ceremony Program
Public Affairs Office News Release
NMCB 62 Commissioning Ceremony - Slideshow
1964 to 1997 Edzell, Scotland Tartan Log Newsletters
These are very large files, click on the year you want to view
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Trent Meredith Letter - August 15, 1945
Trent Meredith, CCM, USNR, was the Editor in Chief of the WWII Cruise Book.
He wrote this letter to his wife and family on V-J Day.