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Leave a MessageSubmitted by: David Yohe
From: Evansville In
Added: 04/02/2019
Submitted by: Norm Hahn on behalf of Roman Hnatowski
From: Roman is from New Jersey
Added: 04/01/2019
Roman Hnatowski, EAC, Retired sends Secretary Norm this update from the EA Nation, a group of guys and their wives who have been meeting together since the first three deployments.Hope this finds all in Good Health & Happiness!
Latest update with a bit more than 3 weeks until the (April 2019) reunion.
Update as of 03/31/19, the following EAs & close friends have expressed an interest in attending:
Art "Army" & Lynn Collins - OH
Donato 'Danny' & Joanne DeSantis - NY
Frank & Mary Pirrello - MA
Gary Mangan - OH
Hugh McIlroy - PA
James 'Jimbo' Millar - CA
Jerry & Barbara Hilbert - OH
Larry Surber - GA
Pat "Pussy" Barnett
Rawlins "Ron" & Rocio Riley - SC
Raymond 'Rocky' & Cynthia Ruiz - TX
Richard 'Chico' Ruiz - TX
Roman Hnatowski - NJ
Sam "The Man" Roth - OH
Unable to Attend:
Dave LaPoint - NJ
Jim & Betty Catron - MD
Jack Fichter - VA
Larry Siebold - OK (Very Ill)
Pete & Shelby Medeguari - TX
Pete Scolaro - NY
Rich Hochrein - PA
Vern & Betty Abbott - VA
Intentions Unbeknownst:
Bobby Jones - FL
Donald Dwight Thompson III - NY
Earle (Still Kickin) Walke - NY
James Alley - OR
Jerry Crotts - NC
John Hood - GA
Robert Van Winkle - IN
Willard Howe - NY
Whereabouts Unknown:
David Stelly - LA (2nd Deployment)
E.D. Taylor - ? (1st Deployment)
Bruce Clay - FL
Conrado Cajulis - CA
Dennis Fink - PA
James Layton - NY
Michael Brown - CA
Ralphord Hight - OK
Ray Lade - PA
Richard Weber - OH
Tom Schell - GA
William Kinney - CA
Looking forward to seeing those that are going and missing those that can not make the reunion.
Not sure how many other reunions are in our future!
V/r, Roman.
Submitted by: Calvin R Beal "Randy
From: Amherst, CO
Added: 03/14/2019
Especially looking forward to reconnecting with the teams from Dong Ha '69 and Da Nang '70.Happy Trails, Randy Beal
Submitted by: Maynard Hyland Jr
From: Poplarville MS
Added: 02/02/2019
served in 62 from 84 to 87 BU2 Charlie companySubmitted by: Robert Sieveking
From: Rockford, Illinois
Added: 01/13/2019
I operated the MARS station on Guam from 1973-74, as an ET-1. Black-Shoe Navy to be sure, but treasure my time with USNMCB-62. Retired in 1989.Submitted by: Robert Ament
From: Lake St. Louis, MO.
Added: 01/06/2019
(Robert Ament emails Norm Hahn, 5 Jan 2019: I am planning to go to the (2019 April) Gulfport reunion. I don't know how to post that, can you post it? Norm says "yes".)I want to inform everyone that made the initial cruise to Vietnam. We spent 8 weeks in Camp Lejeune. This qualifies us for "service related" status in the water contamination "presumptive diseases"
Adult leukemia
Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer
Multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Parkinson's disease
The proof is in our cruise books. Cruise book 1 page 14 and cruise book 2 page 15 talks about the four weeks we spent in Camp Lejeune prior to each deployment. You must file with the VA.
(If anyone has questions, Bob's email address is in the header above.)
Thanks Bob for this very important information.
Submitted by: Norm Hahn, Secretary
From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Added: 12/15/2018
The 2019 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion, which includes NMCB 62, forms have been emailed to all on their list.If you did not get these forms and would like to come to the reunion email me and I'll email them to you.
The guest speaker at the Saturday night banquet and at our Minuteman Sunday morning annual meeting will be none other than our own Captain Chuck Fegley, the XO and CO of the Minutemen.
Submitted by: Norm Hahn , Secretary
From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Added: 11/15/2018
I've lost track of two of our NMCB 62 alumni members and the thirds cruise book and promotion papers were found in a garbage dump.CULLUM, Joseph Ernest, Island S-4, Orlando, FL. UT1, retired.
TRAMMELL, Lonnie David, Not in NSVA. ET1, retired. Last known city address is Tecumseh, OK.
NICHOLSON, James Leonard, Not in NSVA. CE3, He was on our 1970 deployment to Danang. Probably not a lifer. Whereabouts unknown. His cruisebook and promotion papers were found in a garbage dump by NSVA member Peter Dowd, who contacted me.
If anyone has info that they are alive, please give me their contact info. If they have passed away, any info you have will be helpful. Thanks, Norm.
Submitted by: Norm Hahn
Added: 11/13/2018
I emailed Jon Scott, the April 2019 Gulfport reunion chairman about the tours / events at the next Gulfport 2019 All Seabee reunion. "Hi Jon, Do you have an idea of the events / tours for the April 2019 reunion??Of particular interest is a base tour on Friday with a stop at the Seabee Museum & gift shop and then lunch at the mess hall. Many of the guys have asked me about that especially because the museum and gift shop aren't open Sat or Sun.
Anything on the Sat. tours you can give me a rough idea?? Sun at the VA retirement home??
When will the "official" reunion notices be emailed? Thanks, Norm."
Here is his response: "Norm, Our official mail out will take place this Friday (Nov 16th). The following week, I will send out some electronic versions to the Can Do, and Historical Foundation, etc. On Dec 14 the Reunion Manager webpage will be open for people to purchase tickets.
To be fair to other groups and individuals, I can't tell you exactly what we are doing. But, I will say some of your assumptions are correct. We hope everyone will be excited with our attempt to grow this reunion. Regards, Jon."
So, if you are not on their reunion email list I would suggest you do so ASAP.
Submitted by: Curtis Lemon
From: Bronx, New York
Added: 11/10/2018
I found a Metal Zippo Seebee lighter with the initialsD. H. L. Engraved on the back Guam Jan. Sep 83 a long time ago. I was wondering if anyone there knew the person who dropped it to mail it to them or if anyone there would like me to mail it to someone there? I have had it a while and am clearing out things and would like to get it back to where it belongs if they had any desire to have it. Thanks. David Yohe Evansville IN.