Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Lacey Geno

From: North Carolina


Added: 05/21/2021


My father was Mike Geno, a proud Seabee of NMCB 62. Sadly he passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was in Diego Garcia in the early 70s. I wasn’t expecting to actually find any pictures of him on here from his time in the service, but I did and I just wanted to say thank you. Every day is hard right now, but seeing those pictures of him made me smile.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 04/23/2021


4-23-2021: We have redesigned and made our NMCB 62 website more secure. The old websites program-life was over and was obsolete. The new website is designed more for dues paying Alumni Members because they pay for the website. It still has the same address, is easier to use, and has much more security, Non-members can view the several non-member links. Here is a note from one of our web designers:
From: Theresa Hanson To: Norm Hahn. Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 7:59 PM.
Hello Norm,
The website update to is now live! The website now works on desktop and mobile devices. It will also be easier to update and maintain all of the history stored on the website.
If you go to you might need to refresh the page to see the updates.
Windows refresh CRTL+Shift+R
Apple refreshe Command+Shift+R
Theresa Hanson
Web Elements LLC
Eau Claire, WI.

As with all new website designs, there will be a few "ooppss" moments to get the bugs out. So please be patient. My email address is above if you are having problems. Thanks, Norm.

PS: different subject - the Gulfport powers that be, tell me they are working on the 2022 All Seabee Reunion to be about the 3rd week in April 2022. When I get more info from them, I'll post it.

Submitted by: Samuel Swank

From: Daingerfield, TX


Added: 04/15/2021


just to let people dont give up on your va disability, agent orange or whatever, i got my 100%, last month so it can happen. good luck.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 04/15/2021


This is for all of you who are alumni group members or have filled out our NMCB 62 database using this (our) websites link #7. NMCB 62 also has a Official Facebook page, called NMCB 62. Imagine that. Our facebook page, NMCB 62, is the page we use to chat with each other, add photos and documents from the deployments and comment on them, try to find and contact lost Minutemen, inform all the rest of us when someone passes away, and always, do some BS-ing. What we DON'T do on our NMCB 62 Facebook page is run anyone down, call people nasty names, get into any national politics, or do a lot of cussing. We DON'T need that on our Facebook page. Why am I telling you this? Because we are always looking for more of our Brothers to join our NMCB 62 facebook page.

Submitted by: Brad Rhymes

From: Kernersville, NC


Added: 04/15/2021


Hello Gentlemen,

My uncle, Daniel Pegram, is a Seabees vet who served proudly in Vietnam with the NCB 62 from 1968-1970 (I am an Army Vet myself - but much later). He currently is in poor health and we are trying to qualify for VA assistance, potentially from Agent Orange exposure. According to some of his evaluation papers signed by his executive officers, LCDRs Fegley and Gerdel, he served with pride and was a hard worker. I am amazed that he still had these eval papers, and I was honored to read some of the comments the officers wrote about him! I am very intrigued and amazed by the extensive Seabees' work and sacrifice during the war. If anyone has any insight on the best process to seek qualification for updating Uncle Dan's disability status that would be very much appreciated.

Submitted by: Paul “Boomer” Schaefer

From: South Dakota


Added: 04/15/2021


NMCB62 from 79 to 82. Deployed to Det Sigonella, Det Cuba, Diego, CAT Palau. Retired in 1996 as a CEC. The best times of my life!

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, Alumni Group Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 04/15/2021


1-19-2021: To All Hands - -

The 2021 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion is officially cancelled.

Here is the official email from Gulfport Island X-1 Commander William Hill.

Norm, Bill Hill here, I am the current commander of Island X-1 here in Gulfport. Due to the Covid virus we have decided to cancel the All Seabee Reunion again. We had considered trying to reschedule for later in the summer but the national convention is scheduled to be held here in August so we didn't want to interfere with that. Hopefully this damned virus will run its course and we be back to normal next year.

Submitted by: Marc Perez

From: Puyallup, WA


Added: 04/15/2021


My dad is EO3 Marco Perez, who served with Bravo Co, NMCB 62, and was deployed to Da Nang, RVN from 1967-68.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, Secretary

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 04/15/2021


The 2022 All Seabee Reunion will be held April 21 -24, 2022 in Gulfport, MS. More information will be published on this websites Link #1 as it is received. You can also go to our Facebook page, NMCB 62 for information.

Submitted by: Ken Kazmer

From: Moorpark, California


Added: 04/15/2021


I was in 62 from May 75 thru Nov 76. Made the Okinawa deployment. Looking for my Alpha Co. brothers, Jim Wilson, Tom (Wolfman) Wolfe, Henry (Hank) Dykstra, Bob Grant, Butch Wren and any other survivors who may remember me favorably. That was one wild ride!