Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 alumni group secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/25/2020


Greetings Seabee & Shipmates,

There are long overdue updates on the 1st and 2nd pre-deployment training at Camp Lejeune, NC and the Agent Orange problems. These issues probably will still be on-going even after the last of us has passed away. But, we will never give up!

On my end here in Wisconsin, I have had some big issues with getting our information put on our website. Not because I personally have issues, but rather my IT guy has been having issues which has directly effected our website. He works with U. of Wis, Eau Claire, where we live. Because of COVID the U. suspended classes and sent all the kids home and went to on-line everything, which caused the whole IT department and everyone associated with it to go into cosmic hyper-overdrive to get all the courses on-line for all the students. It is still on-going. He is quite stressed and told me in April that he wouldn't be doing anymore work for me anymore. But, I did finally get what we needed to be put on the website. (I didn't actually beg, but there was much pleading and diplomacy.) So we are now caught up in June 2020 to where we should have been in March 2020. *****, the IT guy, did give me a name of another guy in that department who specializes in website work and said he will help us, which is good. Help does not come cheap with IT and website development guys who can code charging $50 an hour and more. That's why I'm like Scrooge when it comes to using these guys.

After writing ***** a final check we have a bit over $**** in our checking account today. It sounds like an OK amount, but the website ownership / leasing costs and necessary security programs are very spendy. It is a never-ending job to get new NMCB 62 folks to sign up and then to keep them renewing. I appreciate all the help you Minutemen give me. We badly need new members.

The most current website additions are to link 11, cruisebooks 66-89 and Link 15, agent orange - scroll down to "Agent Orange Information" heading then down to "Agent Orange Claims". Lastly are more entries in link 17, Unit Dets. My thanks to all who have helped with photos and correspondence.

On a note about the 1st and 2nd deployment military training at Camp Lejeune (see website link #11) I don't know what else we can provide for the members to "prove" that they were actually at Camp Lejeune. I STRONGLY suggest to all who are filing a VA claim that they get a complete copy of their service record. Frankly, if anyone is going to file a claim or dispute a claim with the VA for Agent Orange and / or the Camp Lejeune disasters without having a copy of their service record AND being represented by a knowledgeable VA claims attorney, they are just asking for trouble, rejection and years of more stress. I have info on professional claims attorneys. Email me for my list.

I don't know of anymore that we can do, do you? Please forward this website link to anyone you feel needs to see it.

Your thought are very welcome. Send me an email. Keep safe and healthy, Norm.

Our "Official" facebook page is NMCB 62

Submitted by: Thomas Miller, HMCS, Retired

From: Braselton, GA.


Added: 06/19/2020


On Sunday, June 14, 2020, 07:23:51 AM CDT, Thomas Miller, wrote:

Hi Norm: I enlisted in the Navy in 1969 and Chief Gipson (George M. Jr.) was my Company Commander in boot camp. His hard as nails and tough persona contributed greatly to my success in the Navy. I served 21 years and retired as a Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman in 1991. I have thought about Chief Gipson over the years and wandering if he was still alive. Based on your records, he is deceased. That said, I would like any information you can find on him. If his grave can be located, I would like to go and pay my respects before I too pass on. Also, if you have any information on family members, it would be greatly appreciated.


Tom Miller
Braselton, GA. 30517
Served: 1969-1991

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Alumni Group Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/14/2020


We have added content to our website links. Link 1: 2021 advance reunion info. Link 11: Pre 1st deployment training at Camp Lejeune (15 pages). Pre 2nd deployment training at Camp Lejeune (19 pages). Link 14.1: Additional copies of Seabeacons. Link 15: Agent Orange and CBC. Scroll down to "Agent Orange Information" and click on Resources "Agent Orange Claims". Link 17: Unit Dets. Many more photos and additional information. Special thanks to Al Harris, EA2; Tom "Doc" Cunningham, HM3: Jarvis Wood, EOCS; Don Rolls, BUCN (deceased): Jim Thomas, BU2: Dick Holmes, EA3; and Ken Ward, BU3. Apologies to those I've missed. If YOU have photos (with names and deployment numbers) email them to secretary Norm.

Submitted by: Bob Smith, 2020 All Seabee Reunion Committee

From: Island X-1, NSVA, Gulfport, Mississippi


Added: 04/22/2020


Info about the 2020 All Seabee Reunion Online Refund.

REPLY TO: See Bob Smiths email address above.

Hello Seabees,

We mailed out refund checks today, Tuesday 21 April, to everyone that requested one. If you have any questions let me know.
Bob Smith.
This is the second clarification email from Bob Smith:

Hello Seabees,

Let me clarify: everyone got a refund by check unless you told us to keep it. You didn't have to request a refund. We mailed out refund checks today (21 April) to everyone. There were a few people that got an online credit card refund too.

If you have any questions let me know. Email Me.

Bob Smith

(this is Secretary Norm - Give them till the beginning of May before you email Bob. They are doing a heck-of-job with only a few people.)

Submitted by: Bob Smith, 2020 Gulfport Reunion Committee

From: Gulfport, Mississippi


Added: 04/06/2020


Bob Smith sent me an email about individual refunds for the $$$$ we all paid for the 2020 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion which was cancelled because of COVID-19.

Hello Norm,
We will be mailing out refund checks. We have to wait for our treasurer to come out of quarantine.
A handful of people will get an online refund and a few will have their checks that we havent deposited returned to them too. Bob (Sent from my iPhone)

Submitted by: jim wisinski

From: Botkins, Ohio


Added: 04/01/2020


june 81 to june 85, CM2, then to ACB 2

Submitted by: Greg Miller

From: Buckhannon, West Virginia


Added: 04/01/2020


I was a CM2 1984 - 1986

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 03/31/2020


How do YOU want your name to look on our (this) website?

It's your name, and I'll put it any way you want, except rude or cursing.

Example: Hahn Jr., Norman E. or: Hahn, Norman Edward, or Hahn, Norm, or Hahn, Stormin Norman.

Let me know, it's your choice. My email address is listed above.

Submitted by: Samuel Swank

From: daingerfield, tx.


Added: 03/26/2020


just reading some post on this page, I was sent to camp lejune in either 69 or 70, for about a week. I don't remember the year, only 20 to 30 men. I remember one of there drills was to last all morning and it took us 30 minutes. also, some of the completion reports are wrong it states that a dozer hit a landmine on 7-11-70 on ltl 1, it was on ltl 4, I know this because I was the operator, much later (years) I was awarded a purple heart.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 03/21/2020


This is the "Official" Notice of the 2020 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion Cancellation
Hello Seabees,
Due to the coronavirus outbreak we have had to cancel the 2020 All Seabee Reunion in Gulfport, Ms. The good news is we will be refunding everyone their entire payment by check.
Please be patient with us as we notify all of our Seabees that have paid.
We will have an All Seabee Reunion next year 22-25 April 2021.
If you have any questions call me (228)424-1185 or Jon Scott (228)669-6868. Thank you, Bob Smith (Email sent 21 March 2020. Bob is on the Gulfport Island X-1 Reunion Committee )