Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/06/2014


Congratulations to the NMCB 62 Minutemen and Scotland Bees who have joined or renewed their Alumni Group Memberships in the months of April and May 2014: (names are in the order of when their dues were received)

CORMIER, Raymond F.
MORSE, Stephen W.
WILLIAMS, Monte Harmon
PLANT, J. Todd
HARRIS, Roswell "Al"

To see all the alumni members names, the dates when they were in and their rates, click on link #8.

To become an Alumni Group Member, go to link #7 and fill out the app.

To view hundreds of links to Seabee Battalions, Vietnam, Military and 18 other subject areas, go to link #4.

To see the list of every name we have in our database, you must be a paid alumni group member.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/04/2014



We have just posted to this website over one hundred photos taken by NMCB 62 Alumni Member Al Harris, EA2, of his time at Det Buford from April to November 1970 during the 4th Deployment. The explanation of the photos are in the last three photos.
All photos can be printed from our website. Go to website link #2: and scroll down towards the bottom. These photos are outstanding.
Al's contact information and biography are contained in our website link #21, members only.

NMCB 62 will have another GULFPORT reunion 30 April - 4 May 2015. Please put this date on your calendar for next year and join us.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 06/03/2014


From: Roman Hnatowski
To: Norm Hahn Jun 1, 2014 at 5:47 PM

Norm, Hope this finds you in good health & happiness.

I need an assist here Norm.

Out of the 15 KIAs NMCB 62 sustained during 4 deployments to Vietnam, we are missing a picture of EO3 Donald Francis Horn killed on September 2, 1969. (the 3rd deployment)

Donald's picture is the only NMCB 62 KIA missing on the Wall Of Faces for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

Could you post something on our NMCB 62 Alumni site and on the NMCB 62 Facebook site?

Hopefully, one of our troops might have a suitable picture which could be submitted to the Wall of Faces and all of our Heroes would have their faces remembered along with their names.

Thanks Norm. V/r, Roman

If anyone has a photo of Don, please send it to Roman or myself.

Submitted by: ATN2 Robert Byanski

From: Garrett, Indiana


Added: 05/29/2014


EO3 Glen Ludban in NMCB62 in Vietnam has a song written about him. Access my facebook for an address of Paula singing her heart out for her neighbor. Glen's "GOLD STAR" mother was very close to Paula. I hope NMCB62 honors EO3 Ludban ? Bet his shipmates loved their hours together in beer bars. Glen and I did that in 1964 Hicksville, Ohio. Glen and I were on the same Indiana football team in 1964, also. Our opponents ran Vic Hunter's end with DEFENSIVE TACKLE Ludban on the field. On the Virtual Wall, Glen has an address for his memorial page.

Submitted by: Taylor Lefevere

From: florida


Added: 05/23/2014


Hello all,

My name is Taylor Lefevere. My father fought in phu bai MCB62, his name is Jessey/ JD Lefevere. he received several purple hearts and was an eo3. was just curious if anyone had any stories about him or any pictures. if you are trying to contact him he is located in Dallas texas. would love to hear from anyone who knew him.

Submitted by: Wayne E. Guenther

From: Strum, WI


Added: 05/05/2014


I was station with the Marine Barracks/Security force co. on DG from July 1987 - July 1988. I fell upon your web site, because I have seen that Agent Orange was used and stored there. I remember mingling with some of the Seabee's there a time or two. Just wanted to say HI.

Submitted by: John "Tommy" Byrum

From: Chesapeake, VA


Added: 05/02/2014


I'm trying to find a guy who was in MCB-62. We were in Nam in Phu Bai in '66 -'67. He was a lot older then me and was our hut mom. We were in 'A" company. I often wondered if he's still living. His name was "Pappy" Lemon. This is all I know about him except in '69 he was with MCB 53 in Danang.
I need some suggestions on how I could find some info on him.
John T. Byrum, Jr.
Chesapeake, Va.

Submitted by: David Fruits

From: Plymouth, IN


Added: 04/30/2014


Had a great time at Gulfport Reunion 2014. Thanks to everyone involved.

Submitted by: Monte Williams

From: Lewisburg, Tn


Added: 04/29/2014


Hi Norm, I was glad to finally meet you in Gulfport last week. My wife and I had a ball at the reunion, we drove through some awful weather getting home, but made it. I will send you the pictures I took at the reunion and on the trips that we took on the two days. Met lots of guys that I had never met and some that served with me. Please make sure that my email is updated. I see that I was on the second page of the Assn. Guestbook! Hope you have asafe trip home.

Submitted by: Alumni Group Secretary Norm

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 04/12/2014



I will bring with me to the Gulfport reunion 24 through 28 April TEN identical DVD's titled "NMCB 62 Historical 1st Disc". Here is SOME of what is on each DVD:
1942 - 45 Cruise Book
1966 Commissioning Documents & Photos
1966-83 and 1987-89 Cruise Books
1969 - 70 CM2 Al Archer photos
1972 - 72 Diego Garcia photos
1973 - 74 Guam photos
Photo of Gulfport Main Gate in early 70's
EA list 1966 to 68
Awards, Deployments, Dets of NMCB 62
1989 Decommissioning Program
Nov 2006 Hurricane Katrina aftermath photos
Our NMCB 62 Alumni Group photos from 2009 to 2012 and
Much, much more. 4.3 GB's. 30 folders containing 2057 files.
This is a Computer DVD. Not a TV DVD.
The cost of each DVD is only $20 only available to NMCB 62 Alumni Group Members. To reserve your copy to pick up at the reunion send me an email.