Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Boris Sokolohorsky

From: Stony point New York


Added: 09/28/2013


Diego deployment 81 Great times, Good memories,Great fishing too. Whats up to all I was with.

Submitted by: Alumni Group Secretary

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 09/12/2013


Minutemen Brothers and Sisters,

I regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Linda Smith, beloved wife of Malcolm Smith, EO3, who was in Det Barracuda during the 3rd Vietnam Deployment, March - November 1969.

Linda was a terrific Lady with a super personality who accompanied Malcolm to many of our reunions in Hampton, Virginia and Gulfport, Mississippi. She will be missed by all who knew her.

To view her obituary, go to the Wetzel Funeral Home website listed above or send me an email and I will forward it to you. Alumni Group Members can log in to Link 21 on our website to get Malcolm's address. Non alumni members can send me an email and I will email you his address.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Added: 09/09/2013


Minutemen Shipmates, this email just in from the museum store:

The NMCB 62 Challenge Coins are in. Give us a call to order.

William Shaner
Seabee Museum Store Director
Port Hueneme, CA

Submitted by: robert lunsden jr (chubby)

From: nj


Added: 09/07/2013


i was in 62 A co 74 75 remember dave weddle tom wolfe wolfman sweet pea mckeon would love to hear from anyone who remembers me

Submitted by: Laverne (Vern) Poff

From: Gentry, Missouri


Added: 09/03/2013


served in 62 from 73-77 in B an C Co. Arrived in Guam on New Years eve. 73, WOW, how life changed that night over a screwdriver. Made the mistake of letting them know I could type, an was made Co. clerk in B Co. till we returned to Gulfport. Stayed pressed an shined an some how stayed out of trouble so in turn was able to go on great details. To this day I still have dreams of being in 62 but always missing part of my uniform. I'm looking for Tom Gasparro, (Jasper)from Philly

Submitted by: VernonB King CM2

From: Denton Texas


Added: 09/01/2013


I joined 62 Oct 1986 Have lot of great memories with the guys on airdet and all the homeport training. Went to Rota on the advance party.Had some serious problems with my x got into some serious trouble got it straightened out she caused me to get an early out. Worst thing I ever did.Regret it to this day.met some great guys we had great times.recognie some names but would like to hear from those that remeber me.Keep up the great work ya'll or doing with site.

Submitted by: Paul Journey

From: Nutley, N.J.


Added: 08/14/2013


I was with 62 77 - 81 Co. B, had a great time with the machine

Submitted by: Fred Cirksena

From: Iowa


Added: 08/11/2013


I was assigned to NMCB-62 in the fall of 1973. After A school in Gulfport, MS ( first place I ever saw pop machines stocked with beer ), I aws shipped to Guam for the end of the tour. Went on to Oki, Rota Spain, and then Diego. I left Diego early as my time was up. Overall, my experience was a love/hate one where I loved the work but hated the military environment. I guess that's why after I got out, I enlisted in the Army Reserves for a year and then on to the Iowa National Guard for 6 more - did not get enough time in to retire with pay but learned that I could learn to enjoy the environment.

Submitted by: Keith Fields

From: Linton , Indiana


Added: 08/07/2013


Served in 62 from Sept.80 - 85 ,back to back Diego Garcia, Crane In., Okinawa. Greatest time of my life ! Long live the SCREW !

Submitted by: Dennis E. Doherty

From: Charlestown, Mass.


Added: 08/07/2013


Was an SK3 at Dong Ha in 69 and & Freedom Hill & Red Beach in 70 under JPJ. He had a great group of Officers and Men to work with and he always got the best out of all of us. Reflecting back to those days you just knew he would make Admiral. Many a day we worked 18 to 20 hours a day and to the men of 62 we could do it again under John Paul Jones. You helped make real men out of us. May you rest in peace Sir9