Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 Alumni Group

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Submitted by: Warren Jennison

From: Sanford, Florida`


Added: 11/22/2009


Finally reacting to an impulse to reach out to anyone who remembers me from my days in the battalion. I served in the late '60's; retired from active duty in May 1987; have been residing here in Sanford, FL since that time. I arrived in 62 as an E-6 and left as an E-7; soon after made E-8 as an Engineering Aide. The battalion experience is one of my favorite postings in my nearly 28 career. Coming out of the fleet, thru nearly 3 yrs of active reserves and then reentering active service to crossrate to EA was one of the best decisions I ever made. I wished that I could have made the latest reunion effort in Gulfport just weeks ago. All the best to you who served NMCB-62 with honor!

Submitted by: Dwain Lancaster

From: Douglas Georgia


Added: 11/22/2009


Was stationed with Jim Evans on Diego Feb 77-Nov 77. My son who is now 32 was born one month after I arrived on the rock. Would love to meet more old friends. I miss them the most.

Submitted by: Jim Evans

From: Whiteville,NC


Added: 11/21/2009


Was in '62 from '77 - '78 when I got out. Was a heavy equipment operator and worked out of the dispatch shack until I was hijacked into Jim Sharpe's "SLJ crew" (that's was Sr. Chief Best called us). Good times, good friends, I miss it!

Submitted by: Ed s***

From: Clarksboro, NJ


Added: 11/18/2009


cm2 1969-70 Does anyone know where I can get a copy of our 1969 yearbook? I have the 70.

Submitted by: Norm Hahn

From: Eau Claire, WI


Added: 11/15/2009


Looking for Kenneth J. Moneagle, EO2, NMCB 62
Letter sent to him at Sorrels Dr., Jacksonville, AR has been returned by post office as moved, left no forwarding address.
Can anyone tell me his email address?

Submitted by: Randall Henson BUC, Retired

From: WA.


Added: 11/12/2009


Was in NMCB62 1979 - 1981, This was a great time in my career. Sure do miss all the Seabees, I will never forget Seabee Team 6211, never served with a better group of men. Take care all Seabees.

Submitted by: Eric "Rick" Wendt

From: Indiana


Added: 11/10/2009


Joined 62 in December of '66 & sent to Phu Bai.
Spent 1st tour on 81mm mortars & security.
2nd tour I was a mechanic on the field lube crew.
Only guys from 62 I have run into were Popovich from Ohio, & CM Berle Schwed from New Jersey.
I'm still working as a mechanic. Slurpee mechanic!

Submitted by: Eugene Battistoni

From: Amherst,Mass


Added: 11/09/2009


The Batman checking in. Dong-Ha 69 Great web site,drop a email if you have time

Submitted by: John W. Bower

From: PA.


Added: 11/06/2009


Had to put my other address in.Was with 62 1969 to 1971. Looking for James R. Walker. If anyone nose where he is plese let me know.

Submitted by: John 'Shep' Sheppard

From: Denver, Colorado


Added: 11/06/2009


First orders out of A-School in Gulfport; 1 year public works Diego Garcia; rest of my class went to NMCB 62. While on the Rock 62 deployed there with my buds from school and sure as s*** my next orders after Diego was NMCB 62 which I caught up to in Guam. Herbie and Tony C. get ahold of me would love to catch up. I see alot of other familiar names. Diego Garcia Public Works 82-83 and NMCB 62 83-86.