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Leave a MessageSubmitted by: Dennis Harvey
From: Louisville tn
Added: 01/25/2025
Dan Fountain - From: To: Norm Hahn Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 4:57 PM.Dan Fountain: Dan grew up on a farm in the Martinsville, Missouri area. His dad had a business hauling rock and agricultural lime. He had three brothers and a sister.His first deployment was to Morocco, Africa on public works. He joined MCB 62 on the Diego Garcia deployment, I think he arrived there in January of 1973 and helped on camp maintenance,and unloading ships supplies. After home port he was assigned to Detail Adak in September 1973. I worked with Dan on a plumbing crew installing a large fire sprinkler system in the hobby shop project.We were remodeling a WW2 aircraft hanger. We left Adak in May of 1974 and returned to Gulfport MS for homeport. He was discharged later that year.
Dan went to welding school after getting out of the Navy. He hired out after that with the Boilermakers Local out of Kansas City, Missouri. He traveled far and wide across the United States from Florida to Alaska with lots of stops in between. He primarily worked on constructing large water and fuel storage tanks.Dan retired around age 65 and returned to his home state of Missouri.
Dan met Jane in Nevada while working there and they got married, she had 4-5 kids from a previous marriage and he had a ready made family. They settled in Atlanta, Missouri and now have a large family with grandkids.
I've been friends with Dan since we worked together back in 1973, he was a fine man and a good friend. Dan's birthday was September 21, 1951, he died on January 18,2025 from heart problems at age 73.
(author) My name is Carl Dempsey Lewis Jr. I live in NW Arkansas. I was a UT-2 when I got out of the Navy in January of 1976. I worked as a plumber and a pipefitter till retiring in 2014 at age 62, I now operate a beef farm. If you have any questions about Dan my email is
Thank you, Dempsey Lewis.
Submitted by: Norm
Added: 01/22/2025
1-22-2025: For all - I now have the 2025 Gulfport All Seabee Reunion Forms. Dates are May 1 thru May 4. If you would like a copy, send me an email, by: Dempsey Lewis
Added: 01/20/2025
Subj: UT2 Dan FountainFrom: Dempsey Lewis
Mon, Jan 20 at 7:18 AM
Saturday 1-18-25: Good morning Norm. I found out this morning that UT2 Danny Fountain died from congestive heart failure. Dan and I served together on Detail Adak in 1973-74 from MCB62. He was a fine man and a good friend. We had kept in touch through the years. I wanted to let you know for your records. Thanks
Dempsey Lewis
Submitted by: Dennis Harvey
From: Louisville Tn
Added: 01/08/2025
HI It has been over 40 years since I have been in the navy. I served from 1972-1975 in NMCB62 with one deployment to Guam 1773-1974 for 8 months. I was an EO and worked primarily at Orate point with the asphalt plant, concrete plant and rock crusher. Also worked in the tire shop for a couple of months. Trying to get in contact with someone who remembers me. Don't remember a lot of the names of guys I served with. I am in the process of filling for my VA disability as I have Parkinson due to agent orange exposure under the PACT Act. They can not find in my records where I was in Guam so I need a buddy letter to help support my claim.Any help would be most appreciated.Thank you for you help
Submitted by: JD Lewis
From: Jamestown Tn
Added: 12/23/2024
I was in 62 from 86-88. I was deployed to Edzell Scotland and Guam. Some of the best times in my life.Submitted by: Norm Hahn, NMCB 62 Secretary
From: Eau Claire, WI
Added: 12/17/2024
12-17-2024: Brother & Sister Seabees: In website link # 11, Cruisebooks 1966 to 89, we finally have the last part of the 10th Deployment. It is called "10th Deployment Supplement: Seabees Built a Base on Diego Garcia, rev4." It is authored by then LCDR Jim Rispoli and includes photographs. It is outstanding. Dues paying NMCB 62 members can log in and enjoy.Those NMCB 62 alumni who wish to become members can email me for instructions.
Submitted by: DAVID FINKE
From: Originally Chicago
Added: 10/04/2024
Greetings fellow bees. I was the builder crew leader in Gaeta Italy in the mid 70'sSubmitted by: James T Atkinson
From: Beverly Hills, FL
Added: 10/03/2024
Hi Norm,Filled out my Bio and mailed my check for membership. Should get it any day!
Submitted by: Guy Stumpf
From: W Des Moines, IA
Added: 09/03/2024
Hi I am looking for Mike Thomas he was a cm I was an eo we were together in guam or anyone else that was in guam during 73-74 deploymentThank you